联系人:邓显钟 先生 (经理) |
电 话:020-26263733 |
手 机:13926264803 |
压铸机配套 双系统模温机 |
OGPP系列压铸机配套 双系统油循环模温机
型 号 : OGPP 压铸系列
类 型 : 铝、镁、锌合金压铸专用模温机
TYPE: Aluminum, magnesium, zinc alloy die-casting special mold temp. controller
OGPP系列 >>应用范围 塑料压延设备、印刷机械、高温辊轮/辊筒控温、高温注塑模具控温、铝镁锌合金压铸模具控温、高温热压成型模板控温及其它需精确控温之场合等。
Application range: aluminum, magnesium and zinc alloymold die-casting temp. control, high-temp. hot –press molding templets and other precise temp. control
OGPP系列 >>机型特点 Main feature
● *高使用温度300℃/320℃ Highest temperature reaching 300℃/320℃
● 微电脑触摸式/按键式操作面板,操作简单 The panel control adopted micro, easy operation
● 采用德国SPECK(司倍克)350℃热媒油磁力驱动泵浦 Using 350℃ hot oil magnetic force driving pump from SPECK, German
● “OMRON”、“FUJI”控制零件 Controlling parts of OMRON, FUJI brand
● 全自动的冷却关机功能Full automatic cooling shutdown function
● 全自动的模具回油功能Full automatic die oil-return function
● 自动排气功能Full automatic exhaust function
● 出油、回油温度显示temp. indication of oil output and return
● 多段加热控制,功率可自行调整 multi-zone heating control with power self-adjusting function
● 电气配电箱采用双重隔离及散热设计Double-insulation/heating dissipation design for the electric distributioin cabinet
● 减少废品率、减少加热时间、增加模具/模板寿命Increase the service life of mold/ templet and reduce the waste rate and the heating time
● 特殊管路系统设计,传热油不氧化,寿命长 Special design for pipeline system in which the heat-transfer oil is not oxidized with a long lifecycle.
● 两组独立的控制系统,机器维护简单化Two groups of separate control systems and easy machinery maintenance
● 采用高温保温材料隔热处理,节约能源及热量损失小High-temperature insulation materials can be adopted on the heat insulation so as to save energy and reduce heat loss.
● 故障指示,维修不用专业人员Fault indication function which allows maintenance without professional maintainers. |